Any cancellation against a confirmed booking has to be made via same email (from which the booking is made), at least 21 days prior to your arrival to avoid any cancellation charges.

  • Booking/Advance amount(₹5000) is non refundable.
  • If cancelled with in 5- 14 days of departure, 60 % of the amount will be charged as cancellation.
  • If cancelled with in 4 days of departure, 100 % of the amount will be charged as cancellation.
  • Only in case of cancellation of the tour by STI due to natural or unnatural circumstances, full refund will be provided.

The above mentioned cancelation guide lines are defined as per the general norms of the tourism industry. However in genuine cases, we will try to refund as much of the tour cost depending on the refunds provided by the hotels.
In exceptional cases i.e peak festive seasons, a separate cancellation policy is applicable which will be informed by our travel experts at the time of booking. It is the responsibility of the customer to understand cancellation policies for such periods.


As per the Indian Government regulations any refund processed will be in Indian rupees only and the corresponding foreign currency amount will depend on rate of exchange on the day of the refund. Generally the process of refund takes a minimum of 7 days time.


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    • This site is designed, updated and maintained independently by Solo Travel India. The content is owned by Solo Travel India. You may not modify, publish, transmit, transfer, sell, reproduce, create derivative work from, distribute, repost, perform, display or in any way commercially exploit any of the content.
    • Solo Travel India disclaims all warranties or conditions, whether expressed or implied, (including without limitation implied, warranties or conditions of information and context). We consider ourselves and intend to be subject to the jurisdiction only of the courts of New Delhi, India.
    • Solo Travel India reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to suspend or cancel the service at any time if a computer virus, bug, or other technical problem corrupts the security, or proper administration of the service.
      Solo Travel India Values the privacy of information pertaining to its associates. We do not use or disclose information about your individual visits to our website or any information that you may give us, such as your name, address, email address or telephone number, to any outside sources.
    • Solo Travel India reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at any time.
    • Solo Travel India will not use information about you without your permission and will provide the means for you to manage and control the information that you have provided. We will enable you to communicate your privacy concerns to us and that we will respond to them appropriately.
    • Solo Travel India does not disclose any personal information to advertisers and for other marketing and promotional purposes, that could be used to personally identify you, such as your password, credit card number and bank account number.


  • Solo Travel India assures its clients to provide them the best information on Indian travel through our travel experts / representatives and the best travel services. For any dispute between hotels, airlines, other ultimate service providers and the client, Solo Travel India will not be responsible for these.
  • Travellers must take care of their valuables while touring and Solo Travel India is not liable for any theft or loss of items however we assure our best assistance / support for any unforeseen situation.
  • Solo Travel India is not liable for loss, injury or damage to any person or his/ her/ their property due to natural reasons like flood, technical fault, wars, earthquakes, riots, accident or any similar actions or reason beyond our control.
  • If you are not happy with our services or wish to make a complaint please email us at and we assure you of the fastest action to satisfy your appeal.

This is to bring in your notice that, a scam is going on at Telegram and Whatsapp, using our credentials, where scammers are targeting individuals with online /part time jobs. Please note we don't provide any online and part time jobs and don't have any telegram channel.